mag MAG-Edit: Localized Image Editing in Complex Scenarios via Mask-Based Attention-Adjusted Guidance

Qi Mao1 Lan Chen1 Yuchao Gu2 Zhen Fang1 Mike Zheng Shou2

1MIPG,Communication University of China 2Show Lab,National University of Singapore

Code arXiv

📑TL; DR: MAG-Edit is the first method specifically designed to address localized image editing in complex scenarios without training.

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Editing Result


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Recent diffusion-based image editing approaches have exhibited impressive editing capabilities in images with simple compositions. However, localized editing in complex scenarios has not been well-studied in the literature, despite its growing real-world demands. Existing mask-based inpainting methods fall short of retaining the underlying structure within the edit region. Meanwhile, mask-free attention-based methods often exhibit editing leakage and misalignment in more complex compositions. In this work, we develop MAG-Edit, a training-free, inference-stage optimization method, which enables localized image editing in complex scenarios. In particular, MAG-Edit optimizes the noise latent feature in diffusion models by maximizing two mask-based cross-attention constraints of the edit token, which in turn gradually enhances the local alignment with the desired prompt. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in achieving both text alignment and structure preservation for localized editing within complex scenarios.



The trade-off between fidelity and editability in localized image editing within complex scenarios presents significant challenges.

  • Mask-based inpainting methods such as Blended Latent Diffusion (Blended LD)[1] and DiffEdit[2] lead to substantial structural changes within the edited areas, causing noticeable discordance with their complex surroundings.
  • Mask-free methods such as Prompt-to-Prompt (P2P)[3] and Plug-and-Play (PnP)[4] struggle to precisely align the local editing region with the intended text in intricate scenarios, largely due to their reliance on the text prompts localization capabilities.
In this work, we introduce a novel editing scheme named Mask-Based Attention-Adjusted Guidance (MAG-Edit), which designed to enable localized image editing in complex scenarios.

How doese it work?

Given that cross-attention (CA) maps in pre-trained T2I diffusion models effectively capture the correlation between input features and text embeddings,our key insight is that adjusting the noise latent feature to attain higher CA values significantly enhances its alignment with the corresponding text prompt. As a result, we propose locally optimizing the noise latent feature during the inference stage by maximizing two distinct mask-based CA constraints tailored for the target editing prompt. The constraints aims to maximize two aspects of ratios:

  1. Token ratio, the CA value of the edit token in relation to all token CA values within the masked area.
  2. Spatial ratio, The CA value of the edit token inside the mask compared to its overall CA values.

High-level overview of the proposed MAG-Edit framework.

  • The first and second rows in Figure(a) represent the reconstruction and editing branches, respectively. In the editing branch, the noise latent feature is optimized through MAG. This optimization process aids in achieving alignment with the target edit prompt "blue" within the intended edit region M.
  • Figure(b) illustrates MAG. We optimize the zt* by maximizing the mask-based CA constraints of target token (e.g., "blue").
  • Figure(c) shows there is a noticeable enhancement in the CA values within the edit regions M when applying optimization of zt* with MAG.The top row and the bottom row illustrate the average mask-based CA maps of "blue" token with our MAG and "w/o MAG" from different diffusion steps, respectively.

MAG-Edit Results


    Our method can be extended to various applications:
  • Multiple types of edits
  • Iterative editing
  • Balancing editing granularity across various prompts
  • Localized editing at part-level

Different Editing Types

Attribute Manipulation

       Object Replacement   

Object Addition                 

Object Removal             

Iterative Editing

Granularity Control

Part-level Editing

Comparisons with Existing Methods

    We conducted quantitative comparisons with three types of methods:
  • Training-free methods, including both mask-based and masked free approaches
  • Methods that require retraining
  • Inversion-based methods.

Comparisons with Training-free Methods

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Comparisons with Training and and Fine-tuning Methods

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Comparisons with Recent Inversion Methods

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        title={MAG-Edit: Localized Image Editing in Complex Scenarios via $\underline{M}$ask-Based $\underline{A}$ttention-Adjusted $\underline{G}$uidance}, 
        author={Qi Mao and Lan Chen and Yuchao Gu and Zhen Fang and Mike Zheng Shou},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.11396},


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